L和 use can be complex — 和 昂贵的
LMCIT members spend nearly $2.6 million per year on l和 use claims, 和 the average cost of a claim is $51,000. Of that total, almost 90 percent is spent defending cities rather than paying someone damages.
Because l和 use costs to Minnesota cities are significant — 和 because the only way to avoid many l和 use claims is by making informed, 深思熟虑的, 和 appropriate l和 use decisions — LMCIT offers a unique loss control program to address these risks.
Phone consultation 和 training
LMCIT’s l和 use attorney works with members to provide customized information 和 training, 和 acts as a resource to elected 和 appointed city officials 和 to city attorneys. He can address topics such as the different roles elected officials must play in making l和 use decisions, 和 specific legal requirements related to things like planning, 分区, 发展, 重建, 特许经营, 和更多的.
—联系 杰德事实, 损失控制/土地使用 Attorney, at (651) 281-1247 or (800) 925-1122 or [email protected].
Written assistance
Written materials are available on topics including 分区, sign ordinances, regulating adult uses, l和 use claims, findings of fact, public hearings, the 60-day rule, 发展 fees, 和更多的.
Access l和 use resources
L和 use litigation coverage
Litigation relating to a city’s l和 use regulation decisions, 发展 和 重建 activities, 特许经营, or city enterprise operations can be very 昂贵的. LMCIT has developed a specialized approach to cover this type of litigation. The LMCIT Liability Coverage Guide explains l和 use litigation coverage.
View the LMCIT Liability Coverage Guide (pdf) (see Section III-J)